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Tailor-made Stars of Namibia Tour

The whole of Namibia has some of the darkest skies measured on earth allowing stargazers to gaze deep into the night sky just about every night of the year. Many lodges around Namibia take advantage of the unusually clear skies in the country and have their own telescopes.

Namibia is considered to be one of the top three destinations for stargazing in the world. With its generally cloudless night sky, especially in the dry winter months, minimal contamination by artificial light and air pollution, and excellent view of the southern constellations, Namibia has superb stargazing conditions. As such it is favoured by professional and amateur astronomers alike.

Namibia was chosen as the best site for the multi-national Max Planck High Energy Stereoscopic System experiment (H.E.S.S.), now fully operational on Farm Gaulschau near the Gamsberg. Many lodges have medium-sized telescopes (up to 16" diameter) for use by guests and provide novice stargazing guests with a laymen's introduction to astrology.

The Khomas Hochland/Gamsberg area west of Windhoek has the third-clearest, least light-polluted sky in the world.

In the deep, black sky the Milky Way shines so bright that it actually casts shadows. One has the illusion to be standing right in it. Many star signs, nebulas, and galaxies can only be seen in the southern night sky.

But all descriptions, comments, and pictures can’t replace the one thing: one has to see and experience it “live”!

Our Namibia team has created a unique offering, showcasing not only the stars in the skies, but many more Stars of Namibia. From the enigmatic Kalahari San, the wild desert horses and a castle in the middle of the desert. Have a look at Stars of Namibia for all the details of the 8 day tour. 

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